October 22, 2020
September 11, 2021

Collective bargaining class exemption

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The ACCC has recently made the Competition and Consumer (Class Exemption—Collective Bargaining) Determination 2020 (Class Exemption). 

The Class Exemption will allow small businesses, franchisees and fuel retailers to collectively negotiate with their suppliers/processors, franchisor or fuel wholesaler (respectively), without first having to seek ACCC approval (although notification to the ACCC is required). 

The ACCC has advised that they will announce when the Class Exemption is ready for use, which is likely to be early 2021.  Please see the recent ACCC Media Release for further information - https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/class-exemption-will-enable-small-businesses-to-collectively-bargain.  We will provide further updates as the ACCC releases its guidance for, and commencement date of, the Class Exemption.

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